Payda Application (micro-investment)

۲۲/۰۴/۱۴۰۰ 13:32

Dec 2020

Project description

• Role in the project: CTO and Senior Back-End Developer • Duration of project: it’s still developing • Team size: 14 people • Remarks: This application helps users to invest in their micro moneys and gain profit. The investments could be Crypto Currencies, Mutual funds, buying a piece of a house, and lots of other things. This product is programmed on micro-services architecture, therefore there are different services that are connected together using an API gateway and a Service Discovery. This product has other different parts such as message broker, ELK, Cache, log system, and some libraries on local NuGet server, which include repository and unit of work library, cache library, log library, messaging library, and basic needs library to increase the speed of code development. Actually, there are several software teams were working to implement and develop this product. The six-member team of back-end, a two-member team of Android, a two-member team of iOS, and the rest of the team working on the product side. I was a Senior Developer of the Back-End Team and coordinator of all software teams. Notice that there is a product manager and product owner in the team. This application is developed based on Hoodad Microservices Platform. • Some of the software, programming languages, and technologies that I used in this project are as follows: a. Microsoft Visual Studio 2019, Microsoft SQL Server 2019, Postman, Filezilla, Fiddler, Putty b. .Net Core, Micro-services, Rabbit-MQ, Consul, Ocelot, ELK, Web Socket, CQRS, Docker, ASP.NET MVC, C#, RESTful, Web API, T-SQL, Entity Framework Core • Sections of I involved in: a. Database analysis and implementation – Code-first approach b. Analysis and designing every micro-services and local libraries c. Programming and implementation some of micro-services and libraries along with mentoring other developers

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